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Modern app which really comes to help !
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IntisTele is a vital program which could provide solution for varied requests. The mechanism helps to send message without difficulty.

Main part

People everywhere are keen on sharing vital information, having conversation about the latest news, or defining tasks. According to the very rapid pace of our life and especially eager to gain time - a vast majority of people prefer messages because this kind is the quickest and the most comfortable for modern people. This simple and well-known software is made to help people to achieve the aims.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The usage of bulk texting has a lot of pluses. For example:

Easy to use. The condition is to log in and top up the balance. Now you can to define a assignment or share the important offers.

The expected time of bulk texting distribution compiles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (if only the place you are located has network coverage).

Solutions by department

Bulk texting is a great solution for system administrators. SMS software is a profitable tool for achieving each marketing aims. For instance:

Bulk texting could become an inherent part in the department`s everyday routine. This software could help:

web designers are able to integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Thanks to this innovation it is possible to transfer multiple  messages, gather status.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele bulk texting system gives permission for debugging your exclusive program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Ruby.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created to smooth integration of most major CMS (Drupal).

SMS commands are good for sysadmins because they could install remote administration and server management.

Notify timely concerning the issues.

No need for internet access, as all servers can be provided by SMS commands.

Business owners also can systematize their employees' schedule because of a SMS software. IntisTele service is available for all. On the website you can find an understandable web interface, variant of payment action that matches every wallet and a very attractive affiliate program. With bulk texting software:

Clients able to use Visa in process of working with this service..

Everybody will be happy by the speed of message delivery.

Industries and SMS solutions

The bulk texting system solution is suitable for transport. This service could be helpful for solving a range of problems of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for e-commerce. With SMS system exists an opportunity to set up notifications concerning discounts.

This software is the best solution advance travel & transport actions and make clients enjoy the best adventure during thr journeys.

Bulk texting is a decision for startups and IT. This integration is necessary for websites.

Message notify to provide safety. It could be applied for satellite tracking.


It is no big deal to refill your balance and establish the budget which you can provide. Intis Telecommunication could offer different methods of top uping the balance. For example, Credit cards.


Application Programming Interface is a system, by which one device can to interact with the other computer. The method was created to mix different apps in one system.

With the help of Application programming interface you are free to send a group of SMS

It can be introduced to ESP.


On the occasion you have any additional questions about the program and how it works, do not hesitate to go to IntisTele FAQ.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Make SMS targeted.  the database into single categories by preferences.

And finally you could send offers only to those who show an interest in service.

Affiliate program

With a special Intis Telecommunication Affiliate program each client can get a commission because of attracting new users. You are able to get up to 10% of the month's top-up balance payment, which was made by the customer you have brought to IntisTele software.


Sending bulk texting about events can turn into the best decision for your business. It will improve your profit. Because of this bulk texts are widely spread among service providers.

Source: https://www.intistele.com/



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